3 Simple Ways to Make Your Website Stickier
Although they never say it in so many words, a lot of new clients come to us because they wish their websites could be “stickier.” In other words, they are tired of checking their web analytics package and finding that new potential customers have come to their websites, looked around for half a minute or so, and then taken their attention elsewhere.
Luckily, keeping visitors on your pages is easier than you probably think. Here are three simple ways to get them to stick around:
#1: Add more content – Content is king and the more content you have on your website, the more ideas there are for searchers to investigate and learn about.
#2: Simplify navigation – no matter how much content you have though, it’s important for first-time visitors to be able to navigate their way through your site and find the resources they are looking for.
#3: Install a search bar – as you add more and more pages, a search bar becomes a necessity. By using one, visitors can save themselves time – and several mouse clicks – by going straight to the topics they are interested in.
Looking for a Nashville web design company that understands what you really need from your web presence? Call Chris today at 615.521.1890 to get a free quote.