Should Web Designers Use Templates?
When you’re looking for a web designer in Nashville (or anywhere else for that matter), should you choose one that works from a template or one that designs custom websites from scratch? The answer isn’t always as cut-and-dry, as some web design companies would like you to believe. While website templates do make web design… Read More »

University of Pennsylvania Regulatory Review Blog Design
The Regulatory Review is the official blog and news site for the Penn Program on Regulation, housed in the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Nashville Interactive was contracted to handle the website design and development for www.theregreview.org, a robust blog dedicated to regulatory news, analysis and opinion with dozens of editors and hundreds of renown… Read More »

3 Simple Ways to Make Your Website Stickier
Although they never say it in so many words, a lot of new clients come to us because they wish their websites could be “stickier.” In other words, they are tired of checking their web analytics package and finding that new potential customers have come to their websites, looked around for half a minute or… Read More »

Thoughts on Paid WordPress Themes and Their Drawbacks
It’s no secret that we think WordPress is a great thing. Nashville Interactive uses it as the CMS (content management system) on 90% of projects we do. While it’s a very flexible and easy-to-use system, there’s a trend of developers and agencies using pre-fab, paid WordPress themes to build their client’s websites. While this isn’t… Read More »
A Three Website Week
Every week is busy but this was a big one. Many weeks see the launch of a website and sometimes even two but this week Nashville Interactive had a hand in three website launches, including a revamp, a redesign and a brand new site. The revamped site was for CORE (Children of Restaurant Employees) and… Read More »

Why Your Small Business Should be Using E-Commerce
A lot of small business owners tend to think that e-commerce is just for big businesses with dedicated online stores. Few things could be further from the truth. If you have products to sell, you should probably be selling some of them online. Here are a few of the biggest reasons why small businesses like… Read More »
Two Reasons WordPress Development is a Good Investment
Lots of business owners come to us asking for “a WordPress website,” which seems easy and affordable, but raise their eyebrows when we mention the topic of “WordPress development,” which they imagine will be technical and expensive. The reality is that good WordPress development is neither, and goes hand-in-hand with strong business web design. What’s… Read More »
How SEO is Changing in 2015
The one thing you can count on in Internet marketing, and especially search engine optimization, is that what worked in the past isn’t likely to be as effective today. In fact, we can see the world of SEO changing right before our very eyes. Here are just a few of the most important ways search… Read More »
Why Every Musician Needs a Great Website
Wouldn’t it be great if the business of being a musician really could be “all about the music?” In reality, The best artists know that marketing, promotion, and even branding are all necessary skills. You can’t make it in Nashville, or any other town, if you don’t know how to find and attract new fans…. Read More »
What to Look for in Nashville Web Design
If you’re the kind of person who spends your days running a company, and not thinking about the ins and outs of business web design, then finding the right creative team to help you build a strong web presence can be challenging. Most business people simply don’t know how to compare the different companies that… Read More »
Nerd Blasphemy: “Sass & Less Really Aren’t That Great*”
I know that a lot of people will disagree and call me a blasphemer for saying so but… using Sass and Less for CSS really isn’t that great in my opinion*. The asterisk is added because I should say that for most websites Sass and Less really aren’t needed and can unnecessarily muddy the waters…. Read More »
Custom WordPress Development vs Pre-Built WordPress Themes
At Nashville Interactive, we are first and foremost a custom WordPress developer. WordPress is by far the leading content management system used for websites. There are a number of reasons for its popularity including ease of use, rapid development, a readily available support community and of course, it’s open source. For these reasons, most website… Read More »