Arenas Are Dead. The Small Venue (Website Design) Rocks!
A long time since the last post here at NI. Things have been very busy all spring and summer is shaping up to be just as great. Nashville Interactive has been lucky enough to work on a bunch of great music venue websites and a few fair and event websites as well during this time. These numerous, sub-contracted projects include The Orange Peel (Asheville, NC), Headliners (Louisville, KY), Hat Factory (Richmond, VA), State Fair of West Virginia (uhhh), Allegan Co. Fair (Allegan, MI), Flavor! Napa Valley (CA), Legendary Cherokee (NC), and a few others. Website design was done for all of these sites as well as key front-end development.
So back to the point… Arenas are dead. Going to see an artist in a smaller, more intimate setting is where it’s at. The state (and county) fair is where it’s at. Helping these people shine and achieve goals via websites is also where it’s at.