What’s Coming Next in the World of Online Marketing?
It’s always difficult to read the future, particularly in an industry that moves as quickly as online marketing does. However, sometimes the trendlines are fairly obvious. Recently, we’ve found ourselves thinking about a pair of them that are bound to change search engines, social media, and even email in the coming decade.
Let’s take a quick look at these insights and what they mean for the future of your business.
The Pair of Changes That Will Affect Everything in Online Marketing
From our point of view, there are two related shifts that are already reshaping the internet:
First, the major tech players are using artificial intelligence to decode context and intent for search engine queries and social usage.
And second, these same powerhouses are studying user behavior more closely than ever before to supplement machine learning.
What this means in plain language is that the next generation of search and social algorithms will be less reliant on things like keywords and more able to recognize timely and insightful content. But also, those same algorithms will be measuring how real-life humans react to articles, images, and videos in real time.
That doesn’t mean things like search engine optimization and social media marketing are going away, but they certainly are going to change. And, the early trends suggest they’ll be less formulaic and more about engagement.
These changes are coming to the online marketing industry whether businesses are ready for them or not. Will your company be prepared?
Are You Turning Internet Marketing Ideas Into Results?
It’s one thing to know what works online, or even to see the future of online marketing. It’s another thing to actually generate real-world results for your clients.
Our team of designers, programmers, and business growth experts has been helping make businesses more profitable for over a decade – and we have the case studies to prove it. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about what we can do to help your company take the next step forward.